tiistai 10. syyskuuta 2013

Warning! Biohazard!

Hello everyone! 

 This deserted house is located literally in "Helvetinportintie" aka "Gates of hell-road".
I´m not making this shit up. Check yourselves. Helvetinportintie is real.

So this house was not particurally beautiful, or interesting... BUT.

I have to remind you guys, that Urban Exploration is not a safe hobby. 

This house has got really toxic mold. A lots of fucking  toxic mold. I was in the house taking pictures for about 5-10 minutes, and my throat went sore for three fucking hours. And my tongue lost its ability to taste for a while.
A little water-damage..

So, boys and girls. Lets remember to put breathing masks on when we UE!

And if some pyromaniac is listening... Burn that  fucking thing down,