maanantai 26. elokuuta 2013

Old School.. literally

Here are old photos of old school, again, literally middle of nowhere. Very eerie place.

I almost felt ghost children running trough me in the old gym hall and their teachers lurking in the shadows.

But..This time, post is more about the pictures than fun stories. Enjoy.

Special thanks for finding the place for me, to my dear friend Sirja.

Old gym hall

They used to warm the place during winter with these fireplaces...
Broken gymnastic hall was beautiful
Staircase in the "teachers living wing"
Nature creeps back

The grounds
Front door
Whole thing

Mystery of bicycle

Remembering  the oddest places I have visited, I recalled a house in countryside, middle of nowhere, near my grandparents house there is a ordinary house..

With a fucking bicycle on the top of a chimney.

My uncle who showed me the place, said, it had been there for twenty years or something.

Who the fuck would drag a bicycle on top of the two-stored building?

I suspect UFO:s

Any wild ideas?

I have been thinking I should re-visit some places and after all add a few pictures, in the future.


maanantai 19. elokuuta 2013

For starters, almost confronting a small bear..or wolverine

Hello my strange friends!
The idea of my blog is not to load in a bunch of bad photos. My idea is to tell you guys little stories about fun thigs I have experienced on the way, while adventuring in abandoned buildings, and to make a little list of the places I have seen.

I have to tell you a few things before we begin.
One, I have seen some weird and funny shit.
Two, I am batshit insane.


 I start my blog by telling a few interesting stories about abandoned houses i went in, on my way from North-Carelia Finland, to the northest point of europe, Nordkap,Norway.

I saw this abandoned house beside the small road we drove with my friend, middle of the forest. He stopped the car and I explored the main building quickly, It was normal finnish deserted farm house.
Then I heard my friend say the overgrown yard was full of shit. Literally.

The shit had came from a small bear, or maybe, a wolverine.

I was´t so worried, I am a wanderer, an have never confronted a bear in the woods, the hear people coming from far away and go another direction.

So I went to the cowshed, opened a door.

Then I heard "someone" knocking over things and moving inside,  I quickly closed the door and said to my friend: "Someone is here already" (Which my friend thougt was really funny, because I acted like this was a taken toalett) And walked away.

Then I suddenly regretted I had closed the door, just because of my stupid survival instinct, and I went to see back of the cowhouse. There was no wall there, and that "someone" inside had already ran into forest. The cowhouse was full of the same shit.

Who was living there in the old cowhouse? Where did the shit came from?.. That we will never know.


Ps. I stepped on one.